L’Université de Lausanne et l’International Network for the Study of Lyric organisent le deuxième congrès mondial d’études poétiques du 4 au 7 juin 2019. Provenant du monde entier, une centaine de chercheurs en poésie parmi les plus importants se réuniront à cette occasion. Découvrez dès à présent le programme riche de ce rendez-vous. Attention, pour assister à ce congrès, il faut obligatoirement vous enregistrer en cliquant ici.
Programme à jour ici.
Lausanne, 4-7 juin 2019 / June 4-7, 2019
Avec le soutien du FNS, de la Fondation pour l’Université de Lausanne, de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne (Sections de français et d’anglais), du Château de Chillon.
MARDI 4 JUIN / TUESDAY 4th, 2019
8h30-9h30 Registration / Inscription, badges
9h30-10h00 Official opening / Ouverture du congrès
10h00-10h55 Jahan RAMAZANI (U. Virginia, USA), Poetics for a Global Age
11H10-12H45 SESSION I (Transhistoricité, transnationalisme, communauté)
1. Classical and Medieval texts (History and transhistoricity 1 / Histoire et transhistoricité 1 – Chair : H. Dubrow, Fordham, USA)
- Felix BUDELMANN (Oxford, UK), The Lyric Present in Ancient Greece
- Andrew GALLOWAY (Cornell, USA), Lyric Noise
- Ann Killian (Yale, USA) : « Inner Meditation » : Lyric Reading Practices, Medieval & Modern
2. Les lieux du commun (Transnationalism and community 1 / Transnationalisme et communauté 1)
- Béatrice BONHOMME (Nice, F), Lyrisme et communauté
- Evelyne LLOZE (Saint-Etienne, F), Réflexions sur les liens entre poésie et éthique
- Laure MICHEL (Paris-Sorbonne, F), Quel partage de la poésie ?
- Claude BER (F),Titre à préciser
3. On Lyricisation (History et transhistoricity 2 / Histoire et transhistoricité 2)
- Joel GROSSMANN (Queen Mary U London, UK), Why Not Medieval lyric?
- Jacob McGUINN (U of London, UK), Lyric Forbearance – Reading JH Prynne’s Field Notes
- David NOWELL SMITH (East Anglia, UK), The Lyric Art-Object and the Intermedia ‘Between’
4. Lyric & Public Space (Transnationalism and community 2 / Transnationalisme et communauté 2)
- Justyna JAGUSCIK (Zürich, CH), New Dynamics: Chinese Women’s Poetry in Motion
- Natalia FERNANDEZ (Bern, CH), The Seeing Subject and Intermediality in Spanish Love Lyric (16th and 17th centuries)
- Ilya KUKULIN (Moscow, RU), Titre à préciser
12h45 – 13h35 Lunch, Anthropole, 1129.
13H35-15H10 SESSION II (Transhistoricité, communauté, transgénéricité)
5. La poésie et ses espaces (Antiquité) (History and transhistoricity 3 / Histoire et transhistoricité 3)
- Olivier THÉVENAZ (Lausanne, CH), « L’espace du “nous” : convention et communauté dans la tradition lyrique antique »
- Bénédicte DELIGNON (ENS Lyon, F), « L’espace sacré dans les Odes d’Horace : espace imaginaire, espace symbolique et approche comparatiste »
- Nadine LeMEUR (ENS Lyon, F), « L’espace sacré chez Pindare : approche historique et anhistorique »
- Dylan BOVET (Lausanne, CH), « A Room of Their Own : espaces physiques et poétiques dans les inscriptions latines en distiques élégiaques »
6. Mémoire et identité (Transnationalism and community 3 / Transnationalisme et communauté 3)
- Denise BRASSARD (UQAM, CA), Le lyrisme renversé de René Lapierre et de Carole David
- Zoraida CARANDELL (Paris-Nanterre, F), Le poème, lieu de mémoire
- Christine LOMBEZ (Nantes, F), « La poésie lyrique allemande traduite en temps de guerre : l’entre-deux d’une réception en France durant l’Occupation (1940-44) »
- Nassima ABADLIA (Sétif, DZ), La poétisation de la prose entre récit de soi et voix lyriques dans A La recherche du temps perdu
7. Truth & Epic (Cognition and transgenericity 1 / Cognition et transgénéricité 1)
- Avery SLATER (Toronto, CA), Epic Minimalism, Lyric Redundancy: Deathly Intervals of the Name in Alice Oswald’s Memorial
- Elizabeth LeRUD (Emory U, USA), Leaving Lyric in the Age of the Novel
8. Lyric & truth (Cognition and transgenericity 2 / Cognition et transgénéricité 2)
- Aurelia COJOCARU (UC Berkeley, USA), The Modernist Method: Between Scientific and “Personal” Reason
- Judhajit SARKAR (Heidelberg, D), To Be and Not to Be Oneself: On the Lyrical Practice of Shakti Chattopadhyay
- Alexander ZHITENEV (Voronezh State U, RU), Russian Poetry of the 20th Century Between “Imaginary” and “Genuine” Feelings
15h30-17h15 Colin BURROW (Oxford, UK), Lyric: Between Accident and Convention
Michel COLLOT (Paris – Sorbonne-Nouvelle, F), EGO-ECO-GEO
9h15-10h50 Jan BAETENS (KU Leuven, B), A Happiness that is not happening
Michel MURAT (Paris-Sorbonne, F)
11H05-12H45 SESSION III (Transgénéricité, connaissance, transmédialité)
9. The prose poem (Cognition and Transgenericity 3 / Cognition et transgénéricité 3)
- Bonnie COSTELLO (Boston U., USA), The Prose Poem: Traditions and Forms
- Donna STONECIPHER (U. Iowa, USA), The Prose Poem and The City
- Cole SWENSEN (Brown U., USA), Titre à préciser
10. La circonstance lyrique (Cognition and Transgenericity 4 / Cognition et transgénéricité 4)
- Dominique RABATE (Paris-Diderot, F), La circonstance lyrique
- Marik FROIDEFOND (Paris-Diderot, F), Usages de l’anecdote
- Claude MILLET (Paris-Diderot, F), Entre-deux lyrique : se dégager de la circonstance?
11. A quoted poem (Cognition and Transgenericity 5 / Cognition et transgénéricité 5)
- Robert VON HALLBERG (Claremont McKenna, USA), The Status of a Quoted Poem
- Kenneth FIELDS (U. Stanford, USA), Much in Little : The Part and The Whole in Poetry
- Debra FRIED (Cornell, USA), Titre à préciser
- Oren IZENBERG (UC Irvine, USA), The Poetry Genome Project : A Dream
12. Transnationalism and identity (Transnationalism and community 4 / Transnationalisme et communauté 4)
- Shira WOLOSKY (Jerusalem, IL), Relational Aesthetics
- Anna GAVRYLIUK (Trier, D), Poets at War in Ukraine: Between Poetics and Ideology
- Klavdia SMOLA (Dresden, D), Titre à préciser
13. Forms & embodiments (History and Transhistoricity 4 / Histoire et transhistoricité 4)
- Paul FRANZ (Yale, USA), Strange torn edges’: D. H. Lawrence’s Charismatic Lyric Between Self and Sect
- Klas MOLDE (Cornell, USA), Between Enchantment and Embarrassment: Transhistorical Lessons of Modern Lyric
- Mantra MUKIM (Warwick, UK), The Pain of the Lyric: Beckett, Hölderlin and the Inhuman Imperative
- Atti VIRAGH (UC Berkeley, USA), Between “Nerves” and “Figure”: Physiology and the Ontology of Lyric in Gerard Manley Hopkins
12h45-13h35 Lunch, Anthropole
13H40-15H00 SESSION IV (Transgénéricité, transmédialité)
14. Genres in transition (Cognition and Transgenericity 6 / Cognition et transgénéricité 6)
- Ralph MUELLER (Fribourg, CH), Germanistik Epische Lyrik zwischen lyrischer Poesie und narrativer Prosa
- Peter HÜHN (Hamburg, D), Generic Extensions in Recent British Poetry: A Film Poem and a Dramatic Poetry Collection as Outstanding Examples
- Jasmin BÖHM (Trier, D), The lyric of Tawada Yōko : between languages and genres
15. Music and screen (Transmediality 1 / Transmedialité 1)
- Emma Helene HEGGDAL (Oslo, NO), On The Trans-generic, Trans-historical and Trans-medial in Anne Carson’s Series of Poems “TV Men”
- Caroline LEMAK BRICKMAN (Berkeley, USA), “Part ravishing beauty, part sofa”: Joseph Brodsky, Kanye West, and the “Re-upholstered” Female Body
- Elisa RONZHEIMER (Bielefeld, D), In Formation. Recasting Poetry in Beyoncé’s Visual Album Lemonade
16. The sources of the lyric (Transmediality 2 / Transmédialité 2)
- Cristanne MILLER (Buffalo, US), The Sources of The Lyric
- Kanu PRIYA (U. London, UK), The Object of Lyric: Reading Amrita Pritam’s “A Letter”
- Isobel PALMER (Birmingham, UK), Modernism, “Marburg”, and The Poetic Medium
17. Musique, films et philosophie (Transmediality and transgenericity 3 / Transmédialité and transgenericity 3)
- Nadja COHEN (Louvain, B), Extension du domaine du lyrique : réflexions sur la notion de cinéma « poétique »
- Christophe IMPERIALI (Bern/FNS, CH), Le temps de la lyre
- Francesco DEOTTO (Genève, CH), Quand un philosophe lit un poète. Risques et opportunités. À partir de Celan et Lévinas
15h15-17h00 Henrieke STAHL (Trier, D), Forms of Transition Between Lyrical Poetry and Drama Since the 1960s
Elizabeth HELSINGER (U. Chicago, USA), Ecphrastic question.
17h15-18h15 General INSL meeting, Anthropole 1129
Marion THAIN (King’s College London, UK), The Patterns, Politics, and Poetics of Lyric’s Fixed Forms
Eva ZETTELMANN (Wien U, AT / Olomouc, CZ), Poetry, Cognition and Cultural Memory
11h10-12h30 Session V (Transmediality and Digital Humanities 1 / Transmedialité, Humanités numériques 1)
18. Book and internet (Digital Humanities & Transmediality 4 / Humanités numériques et transmédialité 4)
- Claudia BENTHIEN (Hamburg, D), Titre à préciser
- Peter LARSEN (Aalborg, DK), Poetry Between The Book and The Internet
- Burkhard MEYER-SICKENDIEK (Berlin, D), The Meaning of The Performed Word: Poetry Translations in The Age of Ubu, Pennsound and Lyrikline
19. Experimental methods (Cognition 7 / Cognition 7)
- Mathias SCHARINGER (Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, D), Poetic Speech Melody: A Crucial Link Between Music and Language
- Christine KNOOP (Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, D), Experimental Investigations Into the Psychology of End Rhyme
- Stefan BLOHM (Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, D), Reading Literary Prose and Poetry: Behavioral and Articulatory Differences
20. Truth & transmediality (Transmediality 5 / Transmédialité 5)
- Tobias SCHWESSINGER (Friedrich-Schiller, Jena, D), Poetry & Photography
- Ekaterina EVGRASHKINA (Trier, D), Gegenwärtige poetische Ekphrasis: die „Abbildungen“ von Alexander Ulanov
- Angelika SCHMITT (Trier, D), Zwischen Handwerk und Metaphysik – Zum Verhältnis von metaphysischer Perzeption und lyrischer Produktion in der Poetik der inoffiziellen Literaturszene der ehemaligen Sowjetunion
21. Beyond two arts : lyric beyond ekphrasis (Transmediality 6 / Transmédialité 6)
- Jane HEDLEY (Bryn Mawr, USA), “Post-Ekphrasis: Claudia Rankine’s Citizen”
- Reena SASTRI (Edinburgh, USA), “Wildly Constant: Anne Carson’s Critical-Creative Fidelity”
- Ann KENISTON (U. Nevada Reno, USA), Lyric Betweennesses: (Anti-) Ekphrastic Animation in Mary Jo Bang’s A Doll for Throwing
12h35-13h10 Lunch, Anthropole
13h15-14h15 Session VI (Cognition, transmedialité)
22. Borders and boundaries (History and Transhistoricity 4 / Histoire et transhistoricité 4)
- Jeannette OHOLI (Giessen, D), Jenseits von dazwischen: Afrodeutsche Lyrik und das Konzept des Afropolitanismus
23. Fiction & Cognition (Cognition and transgenericity 8 / Cognition et transgénéricité 8)
- Saskia HAAG (Wien, AT), Mehrings Ketzerbrevier (1921). Gedicht und Liturgie
- Nora ZÜGEL (Freiburg, D), « Ich sage: wer Lyrik schreibt, ist verrückt, | wer sie für wahr nimmt, wird es. » Versuch einer Kartographierung der Grenze zwischen fiktionaler und faktualer Lyrik
24. Cognitivism and poetry (Cognition and transgenericity 9 / Cognition et transgénéricité 9)
- Oran MCKENZIE (Genève, CH), Between Perception and the Act of Thinking: Forms of Attention in Wallace Stevens and Elizabeth Bishop
- David POWELSTOCK (Brandeis, USA), Lyric Between Time and Consciousness
25. Transmediality (Transmediality 7 / Transmédialité 7)
- Sonja KLIMEK (Fribourg, CH), Online Poetry Clips als Herausforderung für die Lyrikologie
- Anna BERS (Göttingen, D), Ein spannungsreicher Normalfall: Lyrik-Performance und Gedichttext als Aggregatzustände des Gedichts
15h00 Boarding at Lausanne-Ouchy / Embarquement à Lausanne-Ouchy
Social Event at the Château de Chillon / Soirée au château de Chillon
Promenade littéraire dans le château avec le prof. Patrick Vincent, professeur d’anglais (Neuchâtel, CH)
Dîner et lectures-performances
Avec notamment Rosanna Warren (Chicago, USA), Poetry and Freedom, a reading
VENDREDI 7 JUIN 2019 / FRIDAY JUNE 7th, 2019
9h15-10h50 Adalberto MUELLER (Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, BR), A Place In-Between : the Poet-Translator at Work
Gustavo GUERRERO (Cergy-Pontoise, F), Transmédialité et champ poétique dans l’Amérique latine contemporaine
11h20-12h40 Session VII (Traduction, transmédialité, cognition)
26. On translation (Cognition and translation 10 / Cognition et traduction 10)
- Mariana MACHOVA (South Bohemia, CZ), Lyric Through Translation
- Matthew MEWHINNEY (Boston, USA), “Moving Between Texts: Lyric in Natsume Sōseki’s Grass for a Pillow”
- Hiroshi YAMAMOTO (Tokyo, JP), Parasitäre Übersetzungen bei Monika Rinck und Oskar Pastior
27. Speaker and time (Cognition 11)
- Thomas AUSTENFELD (Fribourg, CH), Impersonating Poems: The Lyric’s Voice Between Speaker and Audience
- Micah HOLMES (Virginia, USA), Accepting the Invitation: Translating Old English in the 21st Century
- Francesco GIUSTI (ICI Berlin Institute, D), Suspended Gestures: Lyric Time and the Transhistorical
- Irmtraud HUBER (München, D), In Search of Lyric Time: Probing the Genealogy of Lyric Timelessness
28. Visual embodiments (Transmediality 8 / Transmédialité 8)
- Simona SCHNEIDER (UC Berkeley, USA), Dr. Mabuse and the Muse: The Figure of the Lyric as an Alternative Evaluation of the Silent Cinema Era
- Felix SPRANG (Siegen, D), In the blink of an eye – eye-movement of individual readers and the sonnet form
29. Forms and formats (Transmediality 9 / Transmédialité 9)
- Yasser ELHARIRY (Dartmouth, USA), Holes
- Elisabeth FRIIS (Lund U., SE), Between Poetry & Prose: An Epic Turn in Contemporary Poetry?
- Karin NYKVIST (Lund, SE), Drifting In-Between: Situatedness Resisted in the Work of Caroline Bergvall
- Brigitte RATH (Innsbruck, AT), Between You & Thou: Address in the English Sonnet
12h45-13h25 Lunch, Anthropole
13h30-15h00 Session VIII (Transgénéricité, communauté)
30. Poetry and science (Cognition and transgenericity 12 / Cognition et transgénéricité 12)
- Phillip LINDHOLM (Lausanne, CH), Coleridge, Caterpillars and the ‘convulsive agonies’ of the ‘Chrysalis’: ‘Psyche’ and the Vitalist Debate
- Julia MUELLER (Chicago, USA), Philippe Jaccottet’s Intelligence of Colors and the Limits of Nomenclature
- Kader HEGEDÜS (Lausanne, CH), Titre à préciser
31. Forming the Lyric Mode (Cognition and transgenericity 13 / Cognition et transgénéricité 13)
- Ewan JONES (Cambridge, UK), Lyric Dysfluency: Stuttering, Syncopation, Race
- Mina GORJI (Cambridge, UK), Between Lyric and Nursery Rhyme
- Wolfgang FUNK (Mainz, D), The Ghost of Poetic Form – (Re)Thinking the Lyric within the Context of New Formalism
32. Memory & Identity (Transnationalism and Community 5 / Transnationalisme et communauté 5)
- Erin YANOTA (Texas, USA), Modal Hybridity and Multivocal Lyric in H.D.’s Helen in Egypt
- Bellamy MITCHELL (Chicago, USA), The Poetics of Apology and Re-Poiesis in Layli Long Soldier’s Whereas
- Josef HRDLICKA (Charles U., Prague, CZ), Poetry in Exile: Between Real and Imaginary
15h15-16h15 Round table discussion: Looking backwards/Looking forwards
Chair: Heather DUBROW (Fordham U, USA)
Jonathan CULLER (Cornell, USA), Claudia BENTHIEN (Hamburg, D), Kirsten STIRLING (Lausanne, CH)